Times and Seasons

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Let me first say SORRY to my readers and subscribers as I have had some weeks when I did not make a post. Do know that I will continue to share what the Lord has placed in my heart.

In this world we have seasons, some are good for planting, others good for reaping and some for the land to rest. Similarly with our lives we also have seasons, and if we are not prepared for them, we can be overpowered by the harshness that it brings. Sometimes seasons come upon us, and we did not learn from them, we did not read the signs of the time. As such we missed out on what could have been a great opportunity.

Now learn a lesson from the fig tree. When its branches bud and its leaves begin to sprout, you know that summer is near.

Matthew 24:32 (NLT)

This year I thought of planting vegetables because I had the space in the backyard, it was just a thought, I was not very motivated at the beginning of spring. But as time passed and I saw the beauty of things growing, I decided to buy a bag of soil and plant some of the pumpkin seed that I was storing.

Within 3 or so weeks they started sprouting, this made me very excited and happy. I used 5L water bottles to make pots and transplanted my little pumpkin plants (7 in total). I didn’t have much water bottles, so I had to cut them length wise and place 2 in a bottle. 1 special plant had a bottle to itself. As you would think, that one did thrived more than the others. I was even more elated because I really did not know that my pumpkins would come and look so healthy.

I was so motivated that I walk to the store (1.3miles) and bought a bag of soil. I struggled with it to the bus stop, took the bus home and struggled home from the bus stop. I emptied the soil in a plant bed that was prepared by my husband. It was not enough but it would have to do for now. So, I transplanted my pumpkins again. Removing the one that looked healthiest and planted them in the now prepared plant bed. I was able to transplant about 4 of them at that time.

Within weeks these started running along the ground, a vast difference from the one still in my water bottle pots. Their growth was stunted because of their space. So, my husband got more soil, and we filled the rest of the plant bed and transplanted the rest of the pumpkins. I also got some seed for beans, carrots, and broccoli. Sadly, I never saw what a carrot sprout looked like, the beans and broccoli sprouted but were eaten by ‘something’.

Maybe there wasn’t even enough space in the bed as well for these additional plants. Or maybe they should not be planted so close to a pumpkin patch. Anyways all my pumpkin plants started running, by now in was August going to September when I started seeing the yellow flowers and the pumpkin buds coming up. The pumpkin that was by itself was the first to start flowering, the first few pumpkins that came up did not grow much. There were two that grew to a certain point, but still very small. I thought I won’t bother to trouble them they could never be fit enough to eat.

So, I left them there until the winter frost came and started destroying all the plants. The pumpkin vines started withering away but these two little pumpkins did not start withering. One day I decided to pick the best looking of the two as frost had started damaging them. I cut it open and to my surprise it looked healthy. I sent a photo to my husband and asked him if he thought it was edible, he said yes.

I did not believe so because I have never seen a pumpkin so small, so I asked my dad, he said yes but it seems that a part was damaged by the frost. I still didn’t believe so I waited until my husband came. He said he would cook it and eat it. In the end we both ate the little pumpkin and it was very good!

Now what were some of my mistakes in making the most of this season?

  1. I started planting late in the season.
  2. I was not prepared, I did not have enough soil, did not have enough pots.
  3. I was not knowledgeable; I should have transplanted right to the plant bed first and given them enough space.

Even though I was only trying to see what would happen if I planted those seeds, I became hopeful when I saw that they sprouted. Sometimes in life we miss the beginning of the season because we are not aware that a season was about to start, or we did not know how to prepare. Even with a late start, and slightly unfavourable situations, I still got one pumpkin from the batch.

Many times, we are in seasons that seem to overwhelm us and seem like they will never end. Other times we meet seasons that are beautiful and happy. And we hope that they will never end. But one thing we must always bear in mind is that seasons don’t last forever, they change, and they repeat, giving us opportunities to learn and grow.

According to Ecclesiastes chapter 3 there is a time and season for everything under the sun. I pray that we weather our seasons well and have the product of fruits at the end of our seasons. I pray that we will find peace even in the most unfavourable season. I pray that the Lord with strengthen us and give us wisdom to make each season better than the last.

Many people see the new year as a new start, a time to make new goals and set things right, the beginning of a new season. Do know that this is a good thing, it is good to reevaluate our lives and see where we stand. But it is also good to know that we don’t have to wait on the new year to make change, with awareness and focus, by God’s grace we can start a new year any day of the year, we can change our plans or make new plans even in the middle of the seasons, and the God of hope will produce good fruit in and through us.

He changes times and seasons; he removes kings and sets up kings; he gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding;

Daniel 2 :21 (ESV)

Please Read:  Ecclesiastes 3: 1 to 11