My reason for the season

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There are a few people in my life who always indirectly remind me to be grateful. I know growing up, I was always thankful and polite, but I don’t think I had that deep sense of gratitude like I have now. I guess we can bring it down to wisdom with age. However, I believe that there is a difference with saying a polite thank you and really being thankful.

For example: if an individual did something for me that I could have done for myself. Out of politeness I say thank you but the dept of my gratitude will not be as strong as if that individual gave me something that I really needed.

There are times when I sit and think about all the things that I must give thanks for. And this process helps me to feel peaceful and happy. I look back at where I am coming from and where I am now. And not only myself but also my relatives and friends. When someone shared their prayer request when seeking God for something in their life, I pray with them. And when they have received what they have prayed for I rejoice with them in thanksgiving.

So, birthdays, anniversaries (wedding, death, other), special days like Valentine’s Day, Good Friday, and Christmas day are days that I now deeply reflect and show gratitude for all that I have received. For each of these days I reflect on different things or different areas of my life. People may say, you need to be grateful every day, but even if it’s possible for someone to do that. It is not every day that one will sit, reflect, and take a life inventory.

Its Christmas time (at the time of writing this post).

Now we are in the Christmas season, and I know it’s not one of the bible events like the Passover. So, there are some who don’t celebrate Christmas and even consider it a pagan holiday. I don’t understand the politics and religiosity of this, but I know why I celebrate Christmas. I celebrate Christmas because:

  1. Seeing Jesus as a baby is a completely different picture from seeing Jesus as an adult and crucified. Jesus was glorified in his death and resurrection; however, His birth was humble and lowly.  Both are important in the story of salvation. The miracle of Jesus’ birth gives hope and joy.
  2. It is a time where people come together in unity. The most beautiful thing about Christmas for me as a child was the family gathering. It was always a joyful time of laughing, playing games and companionship. I still love Christmas time family gathering now as an adult, but the cleaning up afterwards, not so much!
  3. I love celebrating events; I am always happy to celebrate someone’s birthday. And just show them how special they are to me.
  4. It’s a time when I look back over the year and see what I have accomplished. To reflect on the good times and bad; and just give thanks to God that I am still here.

Reflecting on this year; I have so much that I am grateful for. So many people and things that gives me peace and happiness. I have felt a lot of pain this year as well, but I have grown a lot. I think I have become stronger, and a bit more assertive.

I thank God for my family and friends, old and new who have been a strong tower for me. My God-given husband who has been helping me to become a better and stronger version of myself. For those who have pray for me and with me, I give thanks for the prayers because they carried me when I did not have the strength to pray for myself.

I am grateful for my job and the opportunity that my work provides. I am so thankful to God that I am doing something I truly love and feel fulfilled doing. I remember the days when I wondered if I had chosen the right career path, but all things work together for good as the Lord led me down this path.

I am thankful for the trials that brought me to tears, because after overcoming each one I became more resilient. I thank God that in my weakest times, He was strong. And even though sometimes I felt like I was all alone and that no one understands, when I look back, I can see that He was always there. This gives me hope each time I go through the darkness, because I know that it will never overpower me.

I am thankful for the moves that God has made in the lives of my friends and family this year. So much happiness and good news. Even with death at the door, they are still thriving. God is good.

I give thanks for this blog and all who read it, but most of all that the voice of God can be heard through it. I thank God that He can use me as He will, and He will empower me to do more than I could have ever think or imagine.

I have so much more to be thankful for, this is not even the half of it. But I give thanks to God for all things because in everything we should give thanks!

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 NLT1

To the reader:

I took so long to upload this post because I wrote it on one of my lowest days. I felt like I wrote lies, but that was the devils trap on my mind. The fact was that these are my true feelings and reality of what I have. Worries about life can sometime take the joy out of what we have and replace it with despair over what we don’t have. I thank God for His revelation in my Spirit, that I will always have more than I could ever asked for or imagine. May the peace of God be with you. Shalom.

  1. Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, Copyright © 1996, 2004, 2007, 2013, by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved ↩︎

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