Strong and Courageous

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This may be because I am used to running away from difficult tasks. You may think running away means making physical distance, however I am referring to mental and emotional distance. I usually reflect on some of the things I have gone through and wondered if they really happened to me, or it was just a dream. Because now I see myself wiser and stronger than I was then. Without even realising, I was becoming strong.

Chazaq or Hazaq is the root word for strength and courage in Hebrew, this means

to strengthen, prevail, harden, be strong, become strong, be courageous, be firm, grow firm, be resolute, be sore. 1

Blue letter (kjv).

I like the terms ‘become strong and grow firm’ because we are not born strong. We are weak and fragile when we are born. And as we get older, we are expected to become strong and grow firm. I believe this growth is important in every aspect of our lives, as the Hebrew term Hazaq was used 290 times in 266 verses in the King James version. We find that strength is needed for one to survive, in every context that we can think of.

This does not only speak of physical strength, but also internal strength. If one is weak, can they be courageous? I remember a time when I was so weak and fragile that I would not dear to speak for fear that I would say something wrong and find myself in trouble. I always prayed that I would grow up quickly, not just to gain physical strength, but to find my voice. Maybe because of that desire to be older, I always found the company of adults more comfortable than that of my peers.

I knew that adulting was not all that good with its responsibilities and stuff. But through the process of becoming an adult, I started gaining strength and growing firm. I started speaking up more and being less timid. But I must confess that there are still weaknesses in me. Becoming strong and growing firm is a work in progress. One also needs to find the balance in their strengths as overconfidence may lead to pride.

I have found that where there is lack of strength, weakness resides, and where weakness resides there is doubt and fear. That is never a good place to be.

How can we grow strong (Hazaq) in our faith?

  • Through encouragement from others: Deuteronomy 3:28 (KJV) – But charge Joshua, and encourage (hazaq) him, and strengthen him: for he shall go over before this people, and he shall cause them to inherit the land which thou shalt see. Also see Joshua 10:25
  • Through studying the word of God: Deuteronomy 11:8 (KJV) – Therefore shall ye keep all the commandments which I command you this day, that ye may be strong (Hazaq), and go in and possess the land, whither ye go to possess it;
  • Through encouragement from/or pouring out of the Holy Spirit: Joshua 1:9 (KJV) – Have not I commanded thee? Be strong (Harzaq) and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest. Also see Judges 16:28.
  • Through encouragement from oneself: Judges 20:22 (KJV) – And the people the men of Israel encouraged (Hazaq) themselves, and set their battle again in array in the place where they put themselves in array the first day.

Results from my research showed that the word Hazaq is not found in the New Testament.

  1. H2388 – ḥāzaq – Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon (kjv). Retrieved from on March 15, 2023. ↩︎