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But Jesus took this ‘curse’ upon himself, being obedient to God. When it was all done, he was lifted high and honoured far beyond anyone or anything. So that all created beings in heaven and on earth, even those dead long ago will bow in worship before this Jesus Christ and call out in praise that he is the Master of all, to the glorious honour of God the Father. See Philippians 2:5-11.

Let us think for a few minutes, if you know that everything you love is going to be destroyed, including you. What would you give up or do, to save yourself and those you love? The world is filled with evil, and behaviours are getting more twisted. I believe everyone can think of one thing the really sickens them.

Imagine all these wrong things going up to God, imagine Him forgiving us time and again. Even after Christ Jesus spent so much on the cross for our sins. To prevent us from doom, He sends prophesies of doom and destruction. The righteous prays. and few repent, and God continues to give us time. He withholds His hands because He loves all of us. And He does not wish for anyone to perish in hell.

As much as I like to encourage and bring good news. I must act as a watchman of the city. I believe that the wages of sin is death and the gift of God is eternal life for all who are willing to accept that gift. (Romans 6: 23).

The LORDS’ hand is outstretched and ready to pour out His wrath. Repent He says and return to Me, turn to Me with your whole heart. If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land 2 Chronicles 7:14 (NLT).

Do you believe that our land needs healing? Repent, confess your sins to the Lord, change your ways and He will spare us.

As Christians, we are not exempted from the destruction, because even though we may live a blameless life, our unsaved relatives, child, husband, wife, best friend, or co-workers will be destroyed.

We are the watchmen of the city as in Ezekiel 33. It is our duty to warn people of God’s judgement so they can have the chance to repent. As the word says, if we do our part to send the message, and if any should choose not to repent their blood will be on their own heads.

We may ask, Lord what can we do or say to show you how much we love you? His response is found in the word. See Isaiah 1: 10 – 20.  He responds I do not delight in Your fasting and half-hearted sacrifices. Wash yourself of your sins and do good, give me your obedience. Obedience is important because we have free will, and God wishes for us to use our free will, so He will never force anyone.

In this season of Lent, let us examine ourselves and wash ourselves clean. Also let us be our brother’s keeper and sound the alarm that the coming of God is near and all should repent before the time is gone.