Relying on God.

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Sometimes I get a bit stressed. Especially when there are so many things that I am not sure of. So many plans in action but no true outcome. For someone who likes to plan and see things all the way through to the end, not being able to breakthrough to a solution can be the most frustrating thing.

But I have to remind myself to take a deep breath, just breathe. I am reminded that I do not have to plan to take my breath it just happens naturally, I did not plan to blink, sometimes I am not even thinking about moving but my feet take me where I need to go, and my hands help me to do what needs to be done.

When I stop to breathe and focus on the simple things that I have no control over, I am reminded that there is someone greater than myself. He is the one who can bring all plans to fruition or destroy them as he will. He is always there in every battle waiting for us to acknowledge his presence.

I am reminded that many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand (Proverbs 19:21 ESV). This was one bible verse I had held on to for many years. Sometimes, the words are not so comforting, because I think I have a good plan and I really want it to work out. Then I must pray Lord, thy will be done, with a part of my heart thinking, I really want this to work.

And usually, it is with plans like these, the ones that we really want to work. When they fail (if it’s not in God’s will), will cause us some distress. It is in those times that I usually need a friend, someone to pray with me. A friend who will remind me of the goodness of God. This will sometimes help to remind me to give things fully to God or not at all, not to waver. It may also help to remind me that ultimately, God is in control and that’s the right place for Him to be.

When I personally relate to scripture, it resounds stronger with me, and helps to strengthen my stance when facing difficulties:

For example: I can relate to Romans 8:28 (KJV) which says: And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose. I relate this to a time, I was sure things would not work out, but God intervene at the right moment. And everything fell into place. It all worked out for my good even though it did not seem like that at the beginning.

Another scripture is taken from Phillipians 4:17 (KJV) But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. I relate this scripture to times when I knew I did not have enough money to take me through the month. But somehow God worked it out that I did not have to borrow, my needs were met, and I was carried through to the end of the month.

It’s very easy to think that we are self-made in this fast-paced world. Technology has made this so much easier, we can stay at home and pursue higher education, work from home, purchase ready-made meals or ready packed groceries. All these things bring us ease of access and is quite effective for most people.

But again, juggling so many things can take time away from focusing on God and what he is doing in our lives. We can become easily burn-out and demotivated with all the hustle of daily life. But Peter reminds us in 1 Peter 5: 7 (KJV) ‘… Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.’

Whenever you feel like your plans are not working out, or you feel mentally exhausted. Find a scripture to encourage yourself, and a friend to pray with you, because Gods’ will for us is that we should all prosper and be in good health. May the peace of God that passes all understanding guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:7).

One response to “Relying on God.”

  1. jtpassley Avatar

    Yes. Amen


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